Join me as I explore what minimalism means to me and my family while I clear out the unnecessary stuff from my life to make space for the important things– Time with family and friends, living a healthy lifestyle, creating and implementing positive habits to create a life that I truly love.
Over the years, I’ve enjoyed organizing our home yet I’ve learned that organizing can only go so far. It wasn’t until I started taking more of an interest in Minimalism that I understood the concept of Less is More. By getting rid of the things we don’t need or use, we can make room for what really matters.
It is my hope that through reading this blog you will also discover an appreciation of living a simpler life, make room for more happiness on your own terms and clear out all the clutter that is holding you back from being your best self.
Here are a couple things about me:
Moving towards your best simplistic self can be a slow journey or a deep dive into the pool – it’s totally up to you.