Our kids are 4 and 2 and they’re both striving for more independence each day. To help them have more independence in getting ready each morning, we wanted to make their closets more kid friendly. We installed some stacking shelves and a lower hanger bar that was at their level so they didn’t need to use a stool and step on their tippy toes to get their clothes.

Our son’s closet started off with the traditional bar across the closet with a shelf above. We had been using a dresser for most of his clothes but used the closet to hang his t-shirts and long sleeve shirts. He’s tall for a 4 year old but still needed to use a stool to be able to reach his clothes.

We added 2 Closetmaid shelves with bins and added a lower hanger bar. As a result, we are now able to store all his clothes in his closet and no longer need the dresser in his room. We also have 2 extra bins on the top shelf that have hand me down clothes that are currently too big for him but are ready and waiting for when he’s big enough to wear them.

We labelled each bin with chalkboard labels and now he’s able to easily see what belongs where. These labels are great since you can wipe them off with a wet cloth whenever you’d like to change them. Everything is in reach and he is really enjoying the fact that he can choose his clothes and dress himself on his own.

Our daughter’s closet is deeper yet less than half the size of the one in our son’s room. We originally had a plastic set of drawers and a dresser in her closet since her room is smaller and we didn’t want to take up extra space by having a dresser in her room.

We paired down her clothes and then replaced both units with a set of shelves (which we already had at home), some bins and added a lower bar to hang her clothes as well. The top shelf has hand me down clothes as well that she’ll be able to use in the near future.
She loves being able to go into her closet and try on different outfits. I’ll admit that I’m not as much of a fan of her doing that after we have spent time putting her clothes away but I must remind myself that she’s 2 years old and to just relax.
By tackling this project, it made me go through their current wardrobes and remove anything that no longer fits them or that they just never enjoyed wearing. We had a big pile of clothes to donate after going through everything.
This was a pretty easy DIY project that didn’t take too long to tackle. If you’ve been looking for a way to make your child’s closet more kid friendly, give it a try. If you’ve done something similar or completely different, I’d love to hear about it too. Let me know in the comments below.
Jillian 🙂