Start Small

Minimizing your things doesn’t need to be overwhelming. If you start with small tasks or a small area, you’ll feel the momentum of progress being made and be motivated to keep going. Here are two areas I minimized recently and they took only a few minutes. The results speak for themselves.

Glove Compartment

Here’s a picture of the unnecessary items I removed from our vehicle’s glove compartment and a picture of what remains. Multiple pens, highlighters, hair clips, deodorant, receipts, a map, CD’s and a pair of socks are no longer taking up unnecessary space in our vehicle. I left our owners manual and car insurance, one pen and a car power converter that we use on longer road trips. What a difference!


We have two book shelves on either side of our fireplace that we’ve used to store family photos, books, and various travel souvenirs. It’s funny how you get used to what you have on your shelves and don’t really think about whether those items are relevant anymore. By removing several books, a decorative fan and two photos, our shelves look less cluttered and only have items we really love.


Have you peeked in your glove compartment lately? What unnecessary items are taking up space and creating clutter for you? Take a couple of minutes and start small in an area of your home or vehicle and see how great you’ll feel once you declutter and minimize.

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