Hand Me Down Furniture

We removed 7 pieces of furniture from our basement playroom and it now feels so light and airy. It’s an unfinished basement so the walls are covered with pink insulation but it’s a space we are so grateful to have, as our kids really enjoy having another spot where they can run around and play (especially in the winter months on days when it’s too cold to play outside).

Holding on to things just because…

Over the years, we have been given hand me down pieces of furniture from family members and have held onto them in case we might use them someday. Our basement had turned into a place where old furniture went to die. We justified having 5 old chairs in our playroom since it was nice to have a comfy place for adults to sit, especially when we had friends over for play dates. When we finally thought about why we still had a room full of hand me downs, we realized that we no longer needed to hold onto furniture that we didn’t need as it was just taking up space. We took two full van loads to our local thrift store and simplified all the toys in that room.

Goodbye Old Furniture

Here’s what we got rid of:

  • A dresser
  • A swivel chair
  • An armchair
  • A dry sink
  • An organ bench
  • A desk
  • A plastic play structure.

More Room to Breathe and Play

The room now feels so much larger and has specific spots for the toys that kids enjoy playing with. Being intentional about what we keep and what we get rid of is a very freeing feeling.

What are you holding onto in your home that no longer serves a purpose or is just taking up space? Are you also holding onto old furniture that you might use ‘someday’? If so, think about whether it could be better used by someone else who needs it more.

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